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Pink Moon Farm
Contact: Grayson Crane
City: Eatonville, WA, 98328
About Us
Pink Moon Farm is located in the foothills of Mt Tahoma in Eatonville WA. We acknowledge that Pink Moon is located on the stolen land of the Nisqually and Cowlitz people. The farm is named after the big spring full moon and is inspired by the hot pink mountain sunsets on the mountain in the summer. Pink Moon is queer and trans owned and operated.

The farm itself has a mix of wet, loamy soils, with glacial and volcanic deposits reminding those that tend the land of the not so distant geological past. We grow about 2-3 acres of mixed vegetables and rotate laying hens and sheep on the remaining pasture. Each year we have a crew of 2-3 people working to grow the best possible vegetables we can, and we try to have fun while we do it :)

Pink Moon is certified naturally grown. We use practices that meet or exceed organic standards and are reviewed annually by a third party to ensure we are following the standards set out by certified naturally grown.

Farm fertility is built on farm using sheep, laying hens, cover crops, and thoughtful crop rotation. Pests are managed through row covers, laying hen rotations, and crop planning. Weeding is an ever present part of sustainable farming--we use a mix of mulches, mechanical techniques, and use our animals to keep things clipped.