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Hayshaker Farm
Contact: Chandler Briggs
City: College Place, WA, 99324
About Us
We are a values-driven, horse-powered farm on 8 acres in the Walla Walla Valley. We believe in fighting for and standing up for other people, other species and our planet. We know climate change is real. We celebrate diversity. We work to pay our employees a fair, living wage for reasonable hours of work.

We aim to grow high quality, nutrient dense, colorfully diverse produce, available year round. We seed a mix of open pollinated and hybrid varieties, selected for both the best eating quality and exceptional performance in the field. We grow produce that we want to eat, and hope you enjoy it too.
Our growing practices are strictly organic, although we choose not to be certified. We spread rich compost, use organic fertilizer and potting soil, plant cover crops, spray dynamic compost teas and grow flowers for beneficial insects. We use limited fossil fuels by powering our farm in part with horse and human power.