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Tieton Farm & Creamery
Contact: Ruth and Lori Babcock
City: Tieton, WA, 98947
About Us
Tieton Farm & Creamery is a small solar powered farm located in the beautiful Upper Yakima Valley, raising mostly dairy goats and sheep. We make cheese for those who want to support responsible farming, fight global warming and eat delicious, chemical free food made by hand and not by machines.
As a farmstead creamery, we are taking care of the land and the animals that produce the milk for our cheeses. This gives us the highest quality milk and therefore the highest quality cheese. Committed to sustainable farming, we never use any herbicides or pesticides. Instead, we build the soil with composting techniques and moving animals to new pastures often, eliminating confinement that requires antibiotics.

On our farm we also raise grass-fed and grass-finished cattle, whey-fed pigs, and pastured free-range chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese. We source non-GMO feed from local farmers using sustainable farming practices. The diversity of animals combined with our methods of intensive grazing, provides us with a way to produce food that respects the land and the animals and protects it for the future generations.