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Twin Sisters Creamery
Contact: Lindsay & Jeff Slevin
City: Ferndale, WA, 98248
About Us
Motivated by our twin daughters, we were inspired to pursue our dream of establishing a family business. Combining my cheese expertise with Jeff's IT and manufacturing background, we embarked on the journey of becoming artisan cheese makers. In December 2012, Jeff gifted me "The Farmstead Creamery Advisor" as a symbol of support, marking the beginning of our transition from dreaming to action and by January 2013, we had applied for our business license. We chose to specialize in Blue Cheese and through collaboration with fellow Washington State cheese makers, Willapa Hills, we developed our inaugural Blue Cheese, named Whatcom Blue, after extensive research and development sessions in 2013.

Our mission is to produce exceptional, award-winning artisanal cheeses while building a thriving business that brings pride to our family and community.